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USAF Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)


The US Air Force (USAF) Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) IDIQ is part of a multiple award multi-level security effort to provide development and operation of systems as a unified force across all domains (air, land, sea, space, cyber, and electromagnetic spectrum) in an open architecture family of systems that enables capabilities via multiple integrated platforms.   ABMS is the USAF's program to create a next-generation command and control (C2) system, harnessing cloud technology and artificial intelligence to share data seamlessly and enable faster decisions. In this five-year IDIQ, Illuminate is providing support as the USAF matures, demonstrates, and deploys capabilities across platforms and domains.

VivSoft is eligible to support agencies through the ABMS Multiple-Award Multi-Security Level ID/IQ contract in the following categories:
•    Category 2: Data
•    Category 3: Secure Processing
•    Category 5: Apps

What ABMS IDIQ Offers

ABMS issues task orders across seven different competitive pools that support the development and operation of systems as a unified force across all domains (air, land, sea, space, cyber, and electromagnetic spectrum) in an open architecture family of systems that enables capabilities via multiple integrated platforms.

How to place an order

Visit ABMS for more information about this program and contract.  

Contract Details

Contract Number:  FA8612-20-D-0075
Period of Performance: Sep 23, 2020, to May 28, 2025
Total Ceiling Value: $950,000,000

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